City Council Adopts 2021 Tax Rate
Posted on September 10th, 2021
Following the Tax Rate Increase Public Hearing on August 31st, the City Council on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 adopted Ordinance # 1324-2021 setting the 2021 Tax Rate . THIS YEARS PROJECTED PROPERTY TAX REVENUE AT A 100% COLLECTION RATE INCLUDING TAX CEILINGS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS IS $2,750,940 BY ADOPTING THE TAX RATE OF $0.720874 per $100 OF VALUE. The Maintenance and Operations Proposed Rate is $0.695948/$100 and the debt rate is $0.024926/$100 that together equals the total tax rate of $0.720874 per $100 of property value. Both the maintenance and operations tax rate plus the debt rate together do not exceed $0.735557/$100, which is the highest rate allowed without triggering petition for election.
- Document 2021 Tax Rate Adoption Ordinance
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